Imagine this…. The beautiful turquoise sea view, hot Bali sun, a dash of humidity, a day playing on the sea whether it is surfing or diving or stand-up-paddle boarding…. You are hot. A little salty, and happily relaxed in paradise. But parched, very very parched. Then, as you are barefoot along the beautiful boardwalk, the friendliest styling staff at The Deck Café & Bar at Batu Karang Lembongan Resort & Day Spa greets you hello, opens the beer freezer right beside them and cracks an icey cold beer for you with a smile…ahhhhhh. Life is good! And no, this is not just a dream, it is happening every day here at The Deck Café & Bar, and it can happen with you too. Our fresh bottled beer and cider is served up right out of the freezer so cold it makes your fingers tingle and mouth so refreshed you WILL keep coming back for more. It took a lot of testing, lost bottles and more tasting to get the temperature juuuuust right. But we were determined to deliver on our promise to be the coldest on Lembongan, and we’ve nailed it. Just for you, so please come stop by morning or night for that icey cold one(s)…..