03 Apr

Galungan on Nusa Lembongan

The Balinese are never short of a ceremony or a celebration, and this coming April 5 marks the start of one of the most important of the Balinese Hindu holidays of the year. At Batu Karang Lembongan Resort & Day Spa, The Deck Cafe & Bar, Muntigs Bar & Restaurant, The Howff Whisky, Gin, & Wine Bar, & Lulur Spa, we are very proud to honour the local traditions of Galungan. Galungan is the festival that celebrates Dharma’s victory over Adharma (good over evil), the time during the 210-day Balinese calendar when the ancestral spirits visit the Earth. During the 10 day period, the family must be hospitable to the spirits through rituals of prayers and offerings to welcome the spirits to the material realm. Also lining the streets are the “penjor” (bamboo poles with offerings hanging from the ends).


The festival is marked at the end of the 10 days with Kuningan, when the ancestral spirits leave the Earth on April 15. Galungan and Kuningan on Nusa Lembongan are full of colour, ritual, and celebration, and should you wish to participate in any of the local festivities, please do not hesitate to ask any of our staff on your visit with us. And enjoy!

Image Source: Internet.